Woman traveler with backpack enjoying sunset on peak of mountain.
Woman traveler with backpack enjoying sunset on peak of mountain.
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Have More Questions?

Don't Worry!

We’re here to help!

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We Put The World At your Fingertips

How much does it cost to use the services of a travel agency?

Fees can vary, but our agency works on commissions from suppliers and does not charge clients directly. However, there may be additional fees for special services (such as translations, etc.).

What additional benefits does your travel agency provide?

Besides planning, our agency offers assistance during travel, price guarantees, and local insights that can enhance your experience.

How does your agency choose destinations and providers to recommend?

We typically base recommendations on service quality, client feedback, strong relationships with trusted providers, as well as drawing from our own travel experienes.

What if something goes wrong during my trip?

Agencies often provide 24-hour assistance. We can help with issues such as itinerary changes, cancellations, or emergencies.

Can I customize my trip according to my preferences?

Yes, that’s what we’re all about! Maru’s Travel Inc. allows you to customize itineraries to suit your tastes, budget, and specific needs.

When is the best time to book?

Booking in advance is usually beneficial to secure availability and get better prices. However, last-minute deals may also be available.

How can I communicate with my travel agent during my trip?

Each of our agents provide you with their individual contact information to facilitate real-time communication during your journey.

Do you offer travel insurance?

Yes, we provide travel insurance options to protect against unforeseen circumstances such as cancellations, lost luggage, or medical emergencies.

What if I change plans after booking?

We do have change and cancellation policies. We will review these policies at the time of booking, so you understand any fees or restrictions.

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Enjoy These Adventures!


Feel free to give us a call. Our dedicated team is here to ensure your journey is safe and unforgettable.

Come on, go for it, call our write us now!

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Experts in

Trips Around

the World

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